
  1. Pedal Power

    A group of Yale professors are using bicycles to measure heat stress in New Haven.
  2. Only Four in 10 Catholics Aware of Pope’s Climate Encyclical, Yale Polls Finds

    While most Americans believe it is appropriate for Pope Francis to take a public stand on global warming, only three in 10 were aware that he called climate action a moral imperative in a historic encyclical issued in June, according to a new poll conducted by Yale researchers and the Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research.
  3. Connecticut River Watershed Study Will Assess Impacts of Extreme Rain Events

    A team of Yale researchers will lead a five-year, $3 million study to determine whether an increase in extreme rain events is affecting the transport of dissolved organic matter through the Connecticut River watershed, a phenomenon they say could alter the chemical composition and water quality of the watershed and the Long Island Sound.
  4. Holistic Management Makes Ecosystems Healthier, People Wealthier

    A Yale-led study puts a price on ecosystems by recognizing the value of a “natural capital” asset — in this case, fish in the Baltic Sea — and connecting it with holistic ecosystem management to calculate asset values for the interacting parts of an ecosystem.
  5. Himalaya Study Eyes How Urban Shifts Affect Land Uses and Natural Disasters

    In a new study, Yale researchers will use remote sensing data to assess changes in urban settlements across the Himalayan region — and how those shifts have affected land use, the frequency and magnitude of natural disasters, and just how sensitive the region’s socio-economic systems are to these stressors.
  6. Middleton Receives Camp Monaco Prize

    Arthur Middleton M.E.M. ’07, who has spent six years exploring how ecological changes in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem are affecting the region’s migratory elk herds, has received a $100,000 research prize for his ongoing efforts to monitor and conserve the iconic species.
  7. Study: Metals Used in High-Tech Products Face Future Supply Risks

    In a new paper, a team of Yale researchers assesses the “criticality” of all 62 metals on the Periodic Table of Elements, providing key insights into which materials might become more difficult to find in the coming decades, which ones will exact the highest environmental costs — and which ones simply cannot be replaced as components of vital technologies.