Graedel Prizes Honor New Advances in Industrial Ecology

Note: Yale School of the Environment (YSE) was formerly known as the Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies (F&ES). News articles and events posted prior to July 1, 2020 refer to the School's name at that time.

The Yale-based Journal of Industrial Ecology (JIE) recently awarded two papers with Graedel Prizes, which honor the best papers published in the journal.
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The prize for best Senior Author Paper went to the paper, “Greenhouse Gas Emission Estimates of U.S. Dietary Choices and Food Loss,” written by Martin C. Heller and Gregory A. Keoleian from the University of Michigan. In the paper, the authors estimated the greenhouse gas emissions of U.S. dietary choices and food lost at the retail or consumer level. Food losses contribute 1.4 kilograms of carbon dioxide equivalents per capita per day, which represent 28 percent of the overall carbon footprint of the average U.S. diet, equivalent to the emissions of 33 million average passenger vehicles annually.
The authors found that a shift from the current average U.S. diet to U.S. Department of Agriculture dietary recommendations while maintaining the same caloric intake could result in a 12-percent increase in diet-related greenhouse emissions, whereas a shift that includes a decrease in caloric intake, based on the needs of the population, results in a small (1 percent) decrease in diet-related emissions. These findings emphasize the need to consider environmental costs of food production in formulating recommended food patterns.  The authors provide insights not just about food waste and losses, but also by considering recommended dietary shifts and showing that eating better may not mean “better for the environment.”
For the best Junior Author Paper, the journal recognized the paper, “A General System Structure and Accounting Framework for Socioeconomic Metabolism,” led by Stefan Pauliuk, Guillaume Majeau-Bettez, and Daniel B. Müller from the Norwegian University of Science Technology. This paper derives an accounting framework that ties together a wide spectrum of frameworks used to describe industrial ecology-related activities. This product utilizes clear and unambiguous terminology across these models, making it easier for researchers to compare and choose models that best suit their purposes.

The Graedel Prizes were established in 2013 to honor the continued legacy of Thomas Graedel, professor emeritus at F&ES and pioneer in the field of industrial ecology.
The papers are awarded to the best papers published in the JIE each year: one paper written by a junior single author or first author (under the age of 36) and one written by a senior single author or first author.
Winners receive $750 and a free membership in the International Society for Industrial Ecology.

The Journal of Industrial Ecology is a peer-reviewed, international scientific journal on industry and the environment owned by Yale University, headquartered at its School of Forestry & Environmental Studies (F&ES) and published by Wiley.