
  1. Preparing for a Global Stage: Dozens from Yale at COP 24

    More than 40 people from Yale will travel to Katowice, Poland for the annual Conference of the Parties (COP) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, known as COP 24, including several F&ES students who have trained for climate negotiations.
  2. Yale at COP23: On the Ground in Bonn

    Forty members of the Yale community, including faculty, alumni, and 35 students from the Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies (F&ES), will be in Bonn, Germany this month for the UN Climate Change Conference, also known as COP23.
  3. What Do Plants Sound Like? Plants and the Audible Spectrum

    What does a plant sound like? And what does a plant hear? An interdisciplinary project at Yale, highlighted during a recent installation at the F&ES Forest Garden, is applying new technologies that help people listen to plants — and even speak their language.
  4. MODs Introduces New Students to Urban Ecology of New Haven

    For generations of F&ES students the summer orientation known as MODs has offered a chance to learn fundamental environmental skills in the forests of Connecticut. These days it also includes a week in the streets and green spaces of New Haven, where they become familiar with the field methods for analyzing the urban ecosystem. A new video offers a glimpse.
  5. Celebrating a New Haven ‘Blessing’: Two Decades of Urban Resources Initiative

    Garrett 4268 URI Residents prepare to plant a tree on Elm Street as part of the Urban Resources Initiative’s GreenSkills program.
    Nobody could have predicted the success of the Urban Resources Initiative, or URI, when it started in 1995, a few hundred volunteers spread over a handful of New Haven neighborhoods. But two decades later, more than 270 community groups have participated in URI’s Greenspace program. Every summer, more than 1,000 volunteers join together, working across the city to convert unused