People, Equity, and the Environment

  1. What Do Plants Sound Like? Plants and the Audible Spectrum

    What does a plant sound like? And what does a plant hear? An interdisciplinary project at Yale, highlighted during a recent installation at the F&ES Forest Garden, is applying new technologies that help people listen to plants — and even speak their language.
  2. The Challenge of Creating ‘Ecological Civilization’ in China

    In the last decade the Chinese government has realized the need to create not just a prosperous and technologically sophisticated society but an “ecological civilization” based on its cultural and religious traditions. In the sacred mountains of Henan, Yale Professor Mary Evelyn Tucker recently participated in the Songshan Forum, an annual meeting that has become part of this effort.
  3. Solving the Ivory Deadlock

    In an interview Gao Yufang ’14 M.E.Sc., who is now a doctoral student at F&ES, discusses a new paper he co-authored in Science that calls for a more iterative process that recognizes different value systems in order to save the world's disappearing elephants.
  4. Research Reveals Strategies for Combating Science Misinformation

    Nowhere has the impact of scientific misinformation been more profound than on the issue of climate change, where a well-funded network has coalesced around the goal of undercutting the legitimacy of climate science. But as a new paper illustrates, an emerging field of research is providing new insights into this critical dynamic.
  5. Can Science Keep Up with Growth of The World’s ‘Mega-Urban’ Areas?

    In a Special Feature of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, edited by Yale Professor Karen C. Seto, some of the field’s leading thinkers examine the growing implications of global urbanization trends, including their impacts on resource use, potential environmental tradeoffs, and human wellbeing.