
  1. YSE Class of ’24: Aishwarya Iyer Focuses on Underrepresented Voices in Energy Usage

    Class of '24: Aishwarya Iyer's focus on the life cycle assessment of energy use in building stock in India led her to a unique discovery — informal and low-income housing units were not represented in the data. She devised a study to test energy-use scenarios in those units, helping to improve representation of building stocks and energy demand projections in
  2. Examining a Century of Change in a New York City Urban Forest

    Urban forests have long been understudied, but inventory data from a forest stewarded by the New York Botanical Garden has provided scientists at the Yale School of the Environment with a rare opportunity to study a century of changes in one urban forest — information that could help guide regional approaches to forest management.
  3. Achieving Sustainable Urban Growth on a Global Scale

    Yale School of the Environment’s Karen Seto and an international group of leading scientists call for an urgent change in the governance of urban expansion as the world’s cities continue to grow at unprecedented rates.
  4. Urban Forestry Is Having its Moment

    The 2023 Hixon Center Urban Conference provided researchers and practitioners with new tactics to increase tree canopy, access funding, and engage community members as stewards of urban forests.
  5. Humidity May Increase Heat Risk in Urban Climates

    As cities come under increased heat stress with rising global temperatures, a new study by Yale School of the Environment scientists finds that urban humid heat can add additional heat risks to urban areas.
  6. The “Geballe” Era

    YSE Associate Dean for International Engagement Gordon Geballe is retiring after a nearly 50-year affiliation with the School and Yale. He is known for always keeping students at the center, his ability to build community and befriend everyone in the room, and his dedication to New Haven.