Peter Bulimo
Three Cairns Fellows

Empowering the Next Generation of Kenyan Climate Leaders

Top-down approaches in conservation have led to the sidelining of Kenya’s youth and Indigenous populations in the decision, planning, and development process, says Peter Bulimo, global youth ambassador for the international non-profit Youth4Nature. To help equip the next generation of climate leaders with the skills they need to take action, he enrolled in the Tropical Forest Landscapes online certificate program


Global Ambassador at Youth4Nature 

As global ambassador for the international non-profit Youth4Nature, it is Peter Bulimo’s job to make sure that the voices of youth are heard — not just heard — amplified to a level that they capture a world-wide audience. To empower Kenya’s next generation to lead on climate action, Bulimo gathers impactful stories and guides young people on communicating their experiences through storytelling. These stories help promote change at a time when progress in conservation has been stifled by injustice and inequality, Bulimo says. 

Top-down approaches to forest conservation have led to the sidelining of Indigenous communities and the country’s youth in the decision, planning and development process, Bulimo says. Such approaches often end up separating communities from their forests, resulting in further degradation of tropical landscapes, he says.

“There is no one-size-fits-all approach,” says Bulimo. “Understanding local context and dynamics positively correlates with conservation and restoration outcomes.”

Bulimo enrolled in the Tropical Forest Landscapes online certificate program to get an in-depth understanding of the intricacies of conservation and restoration, what works, why it works, and how to make change happen.

“TFL has been an eye-opener thus far. I am glad I am now empowered to pass what I’m learning and this new knowledge to those who need it most,” he says. 

TFL has been an eye-opener thus far. I am glad I am now empowered to pass what I’m learning and this new knowledge to those who need it most.”

Meet the Inaugural Three Cairns Fellows:
Climate Innovators, Problem Solvers, and Communicators