Transcript Requests for Alumni

Instructions for YSE doctoral or master’s alumni and former students to request transcripts. 

On This Page

    YSE Doctoral Transcripts

    Request a Doctoral transcript from the Yale Graduate School of Arts and Sciences.

    YSE Master’s Transcripts

    • Official YSE Transcripts
      YSE alumni and former students who are unable to sign into Yale Hub, should order directly through Parchment, Yale's transcript service. Generally, transcripts are processed within 2 business days, and then sent by your chosen method of delivery. The charge is $8 per transcript, other delivery options could incur additional charges. 
    • School Name Change
      All new transcripts will issued from the "Yale School of the Environment." Alumni who graduated before 2021, who have diplomas and transcripts issued by the “Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies,” may need to clarify the name of the School on their resume or CV. In the interest of clarity we suggest that you add, in parenthesis, "(then Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies)".
    • Also of Interest to YSE Alumni
      Certified Electronic Credential (CeDiploma) | Diploma Translation | Physical Diploma Replacement Request