Strategic Scholarship Partnerships

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    AmeriCorps School of National Service

    The Yale School of the Environment (YSE) and AmeriCorps have launched a new initiative that will provide graduate school scholarships to AmeriCorps alumni. The AmeriCorps scholarship will be awarded to the top five qualified AmeriCorps Alumni in each incoming class, in recognition of academic potential and leadership in Environmental and Forestry related fields. The scholarship will provide a $5000 award (in addition to any need-based scholarship award) to the top five AmeriCorps applicants admitted to YSE through the regular admissions process. AmeriCorps Alumni must have successfully completed at least one full-time term of service in AmeriCorps (or at least 10 months) in a related field to be eligible to receive the scholarship. They will also be required to be enrolled full-time into one of the two-year traditional programs: Master of Environmental Management (MEM), Master of Forestry (MF), Master of Forest Science (MFS), Master of Environmental Science (MESc).

    All program Fellows will complete internships in underserved American communities while they complete their studies, allowing them to bring home and expand upon the skills they learned as volunteers.

    The scholarship will be awarded in addition to any academic or need based scholarship that the student may be offered and will be renewable annually with satisfactory academic achievement. Certificate of eligibility will be required to prove at least one full-time term of service in AmeriCorps.   AmeriCorps — YSE page


    Payne International Development Fellowship Program

    The Payne Fellowship encourages the application of members of minority groups who have historically been underrepresented in international development careers and those with financial need. The fellowship is named in honor of longtime development champion, the late Congressman Donald Payne. The initiative is funded by USAID and administered by Howard University. Fellowship recipients can use the award to attend U.S. graduate programs throughout the country; they will join the USAID Foreign Service upon completion of the program, as long as they successfully complete the Payne Program and USAID entry requirements. The Payne Fellowship provides over $100,000 in benefits over two years for graduate school, internships, and professional development activities, provides a unique pathway to the USAID Foreign Service.     Payne Fellowship website


    Peace Corps Coverdell Fellows

    Yale University and the Peace Corps have announced the launch of a new Paul D. Coverdell Fellows Program that will provide graduate school scholarships to returned Peace Corps volunteers at the Yale School of the Environment (YSE). All program Fellows will complete internships in underserved American communities while they complete their studies, allowing them to bring home and expand upon the skills they learned as volunteers. Fellows selected for the program will receive a  $12,940/year scholarship combined with any need-based financial aid they receive.    Peace Corps Coverdell Fellows — YSE page


    Posse Foundation

    The Yale School of the Environment (YSE) has a deep commitment attracting a student body that embodies diverse perspectives, backgrounds and interests. The Posse Foundation is one of the most comprehensive and renowned college access and youth development programs in the US. The Yale School of the Environment will offer one full-tuition scholarship a year to the top incoming Posse Scholar enrolling in a YSE Masters program. Current or former Posse Scholars entering the Master of Environmental Management, Master of Forestry, Master of Environmental Science, and Master of Forest Science programs are eligible.

    All applicants wishing to be considered for the Posse Foundation Scholarship program must either be a current or previous Posse Scholar, and must indicate their Posse status on the YSE application for admission. Applicants must also submit the YSE financial aid application and any other required forms by the financial aid deadline in order to be considered for the Scholarship.    Posse Foundation website

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